Plot: Lee Soo-Jung (Ha Ji-Won) is a travel agent who is seeking her good luck in Bali after a harsh and unforgiving childhood. She meets Jae-Min (Jo In-Sung), Kang In-Wook (So Ji-Seob), and Young-Joo (Park Ye-Jin) in Bali, three seemingly perfect people entangled in a triangle of love. When Lee Soo-jung finds herself back in Seoul, her desire for success leads her to seek Jae-Min for a job, unwittingly setting off a course of events that further complicate the love triangle. (Source:
This drama was shown on ABS-CBN every Sunday before ASAP (Correct me if I'm wrong!). This consists of 20 episodes. If I remember it right, this drama has so much slapping and force kissing. Jo In-Sung's character is quite aggressive and possessive, especially for her girl (Ha Ji-won). Rachelle Ann Go sang the soundtrack of this drama entitled "Right from the Start" when it was shown in ABS-CBN.